Please click on the images below to
view the details.
from 51th Anniversary Celebrations - Feb,
preserved in St Lawrence Museum
Video of 56th Anniversary Celebrations of
Servant of God lawrence of Edakochi on 19-20 Feb, 2017
Video of 55th Anniversary Celebrations of
Servant of God lawrence of Edakochi on 19-20 Feb, 2016
Video of 54th Anniversary Celebrations of
Servant of God lawrence of Edakochi on 19-20 Feb, 2015
Video of 53rd Anniversary Celebrations of
Servant of God lawrence of Edakochi on 19-20 Feb, 2014
Video of Prayers offered by the devotees at the
Tomb of Monsignor
Video of Annual Remembrance Day Proceedings -
20 Feb, 2013
Video of Declaration Ceremony as Servant of God
A Video Documentary on Monsignor
Note: You need Flash installed to view
these videos. If the video appears to be jerking due
to slower net connection, drag the slider to the left
most part. Then it will start playing the video
already buffered smoothly. You can toggle to full
screen mode by clicking on the button present to the
left of sound controller.